Caserío wanted to connect with young adults, those who are about to move out, to declare their independence when finding a new home. Because is when they can Finally I can enjoy what freedom tastes like. When they start to make new habits, buying their own food, trying new brands.
New generations what to have their economical independence faster and faster.
Your true independence Starts home.
Original version
Hoy les doy la bienvenida a mi nueva casa, mi cueva, donde vive mi libertad, donde puedo invitar a quien quiera, cuando quiera.
Mi santuario, mi lugar seguro, donde no tengo que esconderme de nadie y hago lo que me gusta y si me deja de gustar, no se hace. Donde mi comodidad es lo más importante y me alejo de las cosas que me hacen mal, el lugar donde me recargo de deliciosa energía positiva.
Mi hogar, donde yo inicio nuevos hábitos y los comparto con mi tribu, mis amigos, mi gente. Y crecen creando las nuevas tradiciones de mi familia.
Mi reino, libre de toda potencia extranjera, donde yo creo mis propias normas y por decreto todos deben cumplirlas. Donde disfruto el sabroso momento en el que me quito los zapatos al llegar y con ellos el peso del día.
Mi fuerte, donde cada día conquisto nuevos platos y sabores,
aquí se come lo que yo quiera, como yo lo quiera.
aquí se come lo que yo quiera, como yo lo quiera.
Donde disfruto el sabor de sentirme libre.
English version
Today I welcome you to my new home, my cave, where my freedom lies, where I can invite whoever I want, whenever I want.
My sanctuary, my safe place, where I don't have to hide from anyone and can do what I love, and if I stop liking it, stops happening. Where my comfort is the most important thing, and I can distance myself from things that harm me, the place where I recharge with delicious positive energy.
My home, where I start new habits and share them with my tribe, my friends, my people. And they grow to be the new traditions of my family.
My kingdom, free from any foreign power, where I create my own rules, and by decree, everyone must follow them. The place where I enjoy the delightful moment of taking off my shoes when I arrive and with them the weight of the day.
My fortress, where every day I conquer new flavors and dishes.
Here you eat what I want, how I want it.
Here you eat what I want, how I want it.
Where I enjoy the taste of freedom.
Disclaimer: This was a proposal that the brand dismissed.
MullenLowe Interamerica
MullenLowe Interamerica